Vision Through Tradition.
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The group

Excellence, sustainability, quality.

KLINGER Making hostory

A success story based on innovation, reliability and dedication to quality.
KLINGER is a leading company in sealing, fluid control and system monitoring. In the year 1886 Richard Klinger opened a small laboratory in Vienna and only four years later he invented the reflex level indicator still known today all over the world and produced by the Italian branch. In 1893 the Gumpoldskirchen plant was put into operation, which is now fully operational. In the early 1900s we saw the creation of Klingerit®, the revolutionary gasket material in calendered compressed fiber, an oil-resistant jointing material with metal mesh. Production development also leads to the expansion of production sites and the construction of a European distribution network. Over the years, the innovative and research activity continues and there is the development of PTFE sealing materials and the introduction of KLINGERsil®, the first asbestos-free joint material in the world, in addition to the production of large scale ball valves Industrial – KLINGER Ballostar® and the introduction of a revolutionary sealing material for high temperatures, KLINGER® Quantum. With the opening of branches all over the world and strategic acquisitions in target segments, today we offer the best performance and the highest quality thanks to our passion for excellence: yesterday, today and tomorrow.

The group in numbers

Today, KLINGER Group is an established top leader for sealing, fluid control and fluid monitoring systems.

€ 520 million Annual sales

are generated by the KLINGER group per year.

18 Production locations

worldwide for gaskets, valves, instrumentation, expansion joints or hoses.

2,400 Employees

our global workforce amounts to 2,400 persons worldwide.

60 Countries worldwide

are home to a group subsidiary or representative.


We offer safe and reliable products and services for high-end sealing, fluid control and fluid monitoring systems.


… a principal contributor to our customers’ fluid handling efficiency.
… a best-in-class partner for both global and local customers.
… recognized as a progressive, fair and rewarding employer.


Serve our customers with expertise, integrity and passion.
Extend technology leadership to service excellence.
Develop industry and region specific solutions.
Foster innovation exceeding current industry standards.
Invest in people and have them learn from the best.


KLINGER focuses on five core values:
Quality – Family-inspired relations – Customer-oriented approach – Constant growth – Independence

This video shows all the fundamental values that we want to convey both within and outside our company.
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